“God, I Need You Now” OUT NOW!

God, I Need You Now Album Artwork

Click on image to check out “God, I Need You Now”

OCEAN-LOG >>> DEC 12, 2022

“God, I Need You Now” by The Oceanographers is OUT NOW! This album is an artistic baptism of sorts and is my public declaration that I will be serving Christ with my life and artistry.

Many people in my personal life may not understand why I’ve gone through such drastic changes in my life… it’s because JESUS CHRIST saved me. I was living a life of sin and it was destroying my relationships and hurting those around me. I had addictions to video games and pornography that were stealing and destroying valuable time and my relationships.

When I finally got on my knees and prayed to God, He took away my addiction and began speaking to me. The first words he prophetically said in my mind was… “Welcome Home…” I then began to seek after God with all my heart soul, mind, and strength and have been blessed and made this album as a testament to His goodness in my life.